Process air technology

Process air technology
Process air technology is a traditional field of activity for LTG. Our air technology solutions are being used in a wide range of industries and are installed in machinery of all kinds. Thanks to our wealth of experience and engineering expertise, we can offer products that are perfectly matched to the given applications, such as our high-efficiency fans and LTG filtration & humidification systems. They provide an ideal foundation for efficient and reliable production processes, and you as a customer can count on superior quality and dependability.

Ready for a breath of fresh air? Contact our process air experts now and breathe easy – literally!

Our variety of Process air technology

Axial Fans VAN
Axial Fans VAR
Axial Fans VAH
Tangential Fans Series G/T 25 – 90
Tangential Fans Series T 125 – 200
Tangential Fans Series VQ 200 – 1000
Exhaust Centrifugal Fans
High-pressure Conveying Fans VSR-5./RU…MS
Medium-pressure Conveying Fans VSR-M
High Pressure VSR 5./RU..M
Medium pressure VSR M./..H
Medium pressure VRS
Low pressure VRK
WLTP/RDE/CFR§1066/WMTC vehicle test Fahrtwind-Simulators VQF
SC03 vehicle test Fahrtwind-Simulators VRSF/VAF
Wind tunnels Fahrtwind-Simulators VAF
High Pressure Humidifier HPH
Air Washer DK
Prefilter TVM
CompactDrum Filter CDF
Drum Filter TFB / TFC
Compact Filter Unit CFU
Centrifugal Separators / Cyclones ZSC
Centrifugal Separators / Cyclones ZSB
Centrifugal Separators / Cyclones ZSA
Fiber Compactor FKA/FKC