
LTG Fahrtwind-Simulators * are based on our highly efficient axial fans (VAF), centrifugal fans (VRSF) or our proven tangential flow technology (VQF). The range extends from standard products to complete test rigs tailored to the needs of your customers. Our expertise in facility design, numeric flow simulation, design and flexible manufacturing ideally equips us to cater for your requirements. Benefit from our experience from over 300 reference systems. We would also be happy to support you in developing new system solutions with our engineering services. Whether process optimization, field measurements, laboratory tests or CFD simulations, our engineers also design what is physically feasible for you.
* Fahrtwind = wind generated by a moving vehicle
Ready for a breath of fresh air? Contact our process air experts now and breathe easy – literally!
Our variety of Fahrtwind-Simulators