The requirements that modern production places on a sensible air-conditioning concept for industrial building are wide-ranging. They centre on precisely defined conditions such as temperature, humidity or room air quality. Also crucial are of course financial factors such as investment and operating costs and the economic efficiency of the facilities.
There is practically no other building type that has such varied uses as industral buildings. For production, storage, logistics or a mixture of these: controlled air-conditioning is essential for many types of use. On the one hand, this is the only way to ensure consistent production conditions for obtaining optimum results or meeting specific requirements with an individualised room flow concept. On the other hand, improvement of the air quality in production facilities is mandatory in many cases due to current statutory requirements. For the economic efficiency of a facility, it is above all the operating costs which are crucial besides the investment costs. This is where it is worthwhile making an effort to devise an individualised concept that optimises energy efficiency, durability and ease of maintenance, and hence the energy and maintenance costs too.
LTG offers components for ventilation and air-conditioning systems and for production-related processes that can be individually adapted to project-specific requirements: high-performance LTG air diffusers, compact and efficient air/water systems or precise components for air distribution. If necessary, work on the concept can also be supported by LTG’s engineering services with simulations or laboratory tests.
For air technology solutions in production-related processes we also offer effective LTG fans and LTG filtration and humidification systems.